Boys Pants
As much as they like to lounge around in their pajamas all day, we both know that they need a few good pairs of kid's pants if you're going to take them anywhere. From boy's pants for school uniforms to boy's dressy pants—we've got the pants for all occasions.
A pair of khaki pants are a staple every kid needs, and they can be paired with a boy's polo shirt and work for school uniforms or outfitted with a graphic tee for a casual Saturday on the boat. When it's time to dress them up for family dinner, navy chino pants and a boy's button-down shirt will do just the trick. And don't worry—we know kids these days have plenty of electronics to carry around, that's why we made sure to put plenty of pockets on our pants for boys.
So grab a pair or four! Maybe one in a size up, too! After all, they are growing boys.