Frequently Asked Questions
What is The Skipjack Club?
The Skipjack Club is our complimentary loyalty program that rewards loyalty members with points every time they shop. Redeem points for dollars off your purchase and enjoy exclusive tier perks. Sign up now!
How do I sign up?
Joining is easy! Sign up here. Or log in to your account and start earning points with every purchase.
How do I earn points?
Earn 1 point for every $1 spent online or or at one of our participating company stores. You will not earn points on the value of any returned product, shipping charges or taxes. Points are earned on the subtotal of your purchase.
Points will show in your loyalty account once your order is fulfilled. Points for returns will be removed from your account once the return is processed.
You will not earn points when a gift card is used as your payment method.
How do tiers work?
The Skipjack Club offers exclusive tier levels: Silver, Gold and Platinum. You have 1 year after you enter a tier to retain that status or level up.
How do I know my tier status and points balance?
View your tier status and point balance on our rewards page.
How do I redeem The Skipjack Club points at checkout?
At checkout, please use the text box to type in the amount of points you would like to redeem. After selecting the desired reward amount, click "APPLY".
Do my points ever expire?
Points will expire 1 year after they are earned. Check your account balance on the rewards page for the most up-to-date point balance.
How do I earn points for writing a review?
Please navigate to your email inbox and locate the review request email you received for your most recent purchase. The email can subject line is "Got a minute?". Submit your review through this email to earn points.
Can I combine orders on multiple accounts?
We cannot combine accounts at this time. You will only receive points for the email account you are logged into at checkout.
Will my previous purchases be eligible for the The Skipjack Club points?
Starting on 3/12/25, points can still be earned on your purchase even if you were not logged in, as long as you are using the email address linked to your loyalty account.
For customers with an existing ST Rewards account, purchases made before September 5, 2024 will not eligible for your rewards program points. Points for account holders earned after September 5, 2024 were gifted to ST Rewards customers on 3/12/25.
How do I receive points for Email & Text sign up?
Please click the tile on this page and enter your information to be awarded points.
If you are already subscribed to texts and emails, please click this link and reenter your information so it can be verified and you can be awarded points.
How do I receive my birthday gift?
You will log into your Skipjack Club account and add your birthday on the rewards page. The birthday coupon will be sent during your birthday month.
Please note, submitting your birthday takes 30 days to process. Should your birthday occur within this timeframe, your gift will be sent 30 days after submission.
Birthday gifts expire 30 days after receipt.
What are The Skipjack Club Terms & Conditions?
Find our full Skipjack Club Terms & Conditions here.
How can I give feedback or get in contact with Southern Tide?
Our customer service team is available Monday through Friday 8:30AM ET to 5:30PM ET. Give us a call at (855) 890-8334 or send a message to our email,