As the old saying goes, you never get a second chance to make a first impression. When it comes to first dates, you want to be sure you get it right.
While appearances aren't everything, they do play a significant role in shaping perceptions. Choosing the perfect outfit for a first date can increase your chances of hitting it off and, hopefully, scoring a second date. But as many single people can attest, deciding what to wear on a first date can easily feel as daunting as the actual date itself.
Using scientific research and psychological studies on attraction, we’ll break down what to wear and, just as importantly, what not to wear on a first date. Though the best outfit for a first date depends largely on where you’re going and what you’ll do, these tips should help you pick the perfect first-date outfit.

Wear Something That Makes You Feel Confident
It’s proven: the best outfit to wear on a first date is one that makes you feel like your best self. Though it sounds cliché, behavioral research proves that when you feel good, you look good.
In a 2012 study, researchers found that clothing can alter a wearer’s psychological state and improve performance. One test group was instructed to wear white lab coats worn by doctors (a garment associated with intelligence and carefulness), while the other group wore plain clothes while performing a series of attention-related tasks. Those who wore lab coats performed better on the tests, making fewer errors and exhibiting an improved attention span.
Apply this theory to your first date outfit ideas to influence both your date’s and your own subconscious. Choose a comfortable and pretty dress, or add a textured sweater to a preppy outfit. Wearing items symbolically associated with success and attractiveness—such as a well-tailored suit jacket—may also help you feel more confident.
When in Doubt, Wear Red or Black
According to color psychologists, the best colors to wear on a first date are red and black. Wearing the two romantic colors can make you appear more attractive and more desirable to your date. While there are obvious subconscious ties to red roses and romantic occasions like Valentine’s Day, scientists found the connection runs deeper than these cultural contexts.
Studies show that both men and women find their dates more attractive when they wear red or black and feel more attractive themselves when wearing red or black. Red is associated with romance, while black elevates one’s style and sophistication—two positive attributes in a first date. Pair a red or black top with pants that fit just right, or go with the classic– the little black (or red) dress.
Avoid Wearing Yellow
Knowing what not to wear on a first date is just as important, if not more so. According to the experts, the color to avoid for first-date attire is yellow.
In a study on the way people perceive colors, participants consistently ranked yellow on the less attractive side of the scale—and white wasn’t much better. While yellow can look amazing on most skin types, especially warm skin tones or darker complexions, it’s best to save your favorite yellow outfit for a later date (especially if the first one goes well!).
Wear Something Comfortable and Practical
Body language is another key part of making a good first impression on a date. Small cues like subtly leaning in or making prolonged eye contact communicate your attraction without saying a word. Similarly, negative body language sends nonverbal cues to your date that you aren’t interested.
According to body language research, one of the biggest red flags on a date is appearing physically closed off. Crossing your arms, clutching an object to your chest or stomach, or keeping your hands tucked in your pockets make you appear uninterested and unavailable.
Wearing a casual first date outfit that’s comfortable and practical lets you stay fully engaged in the conversation. Choose a comfortable performance dress that’s both flattering and attractive. Instead of thinking about how your shoes are rubbing the back of your heel or your shirt keeps riding up, you can focus on creating a deeper connection with the other person.
And if you’re cold, don’t cross your arms—just slip on a breathable pullover or jacket.
Avoid Looking Overly Trendy or Unapproachable
When it comes to first dates, it’s best to stick to simple outfits using classic styles. Clothing that’s overly trendy or fashion-forward can make you appear materialistic and unapproachable. Your first date outfit should seem effortless—even if it took hours of careful planning and multiple video calls with your friends to create.
For men, try a button-up shirt with jeans or chinos styled with a belt, dressy shoes, and a nice watch. If you really want to impress, wear a blazer with your button-up shirt if you are in a more elegant setting.
For women, go with a little black dress or a casual blouse and jeans, finished with feminine accessories and natural makeup. Stick to solid colors or small-scale prints and avoid anything with loud, unflattering patterns.

Opt for a Natural Makeup Look
Wearing makeup on a date is a great way to boost your confidence. However, it’s best to stick with a moderate look rather than berry red lip or overly dark smoky eye.
A 2020 study found that a full face of heavy makeup may negatively impact how you’re perceived. It tested the cosmetics dehumanization hypothesis (CDH), which suggests that the more makeup someone wears, the more dehumanized they’ll be. Participants rated faces with more makeup, particularly heavy eye makeup, as “less human,” meaning that those faces seemed less warm or relatable.
Wear enough makeup to feel confident, but not so much that you don’t look like yourself. And while you’re getting ready, splash on a bit of perfume for that final touch.
Be Yourself
Dressing for a first date involves a blend of science and personal expression. But as cheesy as it sounds, the most important thing you can do on a date is to look and act like your authentic self.
What you wear can be a big part of that. The best first-date attire should reflect your personal style and provide your date with a snapshot of your personality. Wear something that makes you feel like you, whether it’s your favorite color, go-to cologne, or a lucky pair of shoes.
By understanding what color you should wear on a first date, prioritizing comfort, and showcasing your genuine self, you can set the stage for a successful first impression and increase your chances of securing a second date.